The VIPs have moved in to John Peel Centre in Stowmarket for rehearsals. This seems to be working very well and it is very likely that unless something outstanding, that fits all of our needs gets offered to us on a plate, we will stay there. As well as a rehearsal venue, once a month they have a open mic night every 2 months, in which we hope to take part in... They just so happens to be on a Tuesday night, same as our rehearsal, so why not! We still start at 19:30 (7:30pm) and go on for around 2 hours The nearest car park (With free parking after 6) is at the Pure Gym car park | |
For more information, see: | |
Although still looking for a permanent venue, we have for the time being made home in Stowmarket Community Centre.... The feeling is that the Stowmarket area might be the place to be. So since vacating Norton, where have we been.... St Thomas The Apostle Church Sir John Mills Theatre Suffolk Punch Pub Freston Village Hall Needham market community centre Suffolk Punch (Again!) Stowmarket Community Centre Hopefully the end is in sight, there are a couple more venues that we will be looking at,... we just need to find the right place that feels "Home" But even with the turmoil of moving around, we are still recruiting, and performing at Sing Outs, so if you want to join or want to book us, get in touch! |
We have been frantically searching for a new venue ever since the newly found Suffolk Punch pub closed its doors... It was back to the drawing board... We managed to have a standby venue at Freston Village Hall, but it was a bit far for some of our members, especially our MD who lives in Cambridgeshire. We have temporarily booked ourselves into Needham Market Community Centre up until Christmas, we could book longer but the venue isnt accoustically pleasing, so the search continues, but we're not running around like headless chickens... There are 3 venues that we are looking at, so watch this space! When we find a regular secure venue, we can set about recruiting... We are still recruiting but without a regular venue its kind of difficult, so we're not putting all our efforts into it as finding a venue is taking up a lot of our time. |
We have found a new venue for our regular rehearsals. We are now using the function room at the Suffolk Punch pub in ipswich (By the Ferodo bridge on Norwich raod) Great acoustics in the room. And beer after.....lovely! Lovely pub, lovely room, lovely beer…. What more could you want?…. Oh yeh more members!! |
Do you sing in the shower? Do you sing in the car? Do you sing while you work?
If you answered yes to any of those quetions, you could come and join The VIPs and sing in a fabulous chorus. If you didn't answer yes to the above questions, come and have a go anyway! Singing is good for you, it's been medically proven, plus also, it s great fun... When you hear what you can do when singing together with others, I assure you, you will be blown away. We are a friendly bunch of fellas', who enjoy seeing each other and catching up, as well as the singing. Come along and join us, make new friends, have some fun, and see what close harmony singing is all about. We rehearse every Tuesday evening at The Suffolk Punch Pub in Ipswich from 19:30 to 21:30+ Please get in touch using one of the contacts on this site. For map and contacts, click below | |||
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For more information, see: | |
2023 is the year of recruiting, maximum effort will be made to increasing the numbers to pre pandemic levels, that means at least 8 new members. All ideas and propositions for attracting, and keeping new members will be welcome. We are a small chorus with a big sound, lets make it a fairly small chorus with a massive sound!! This can only be achieved with the help and effort put in by everyone... No matter how small a part you play in recruiting, that small part might go a long way, so lets give maximum effort, 110% So if you're reading this and thinking you'd like to give it a go, take that first step and get in touch... Who's gonna be first?!! We Need Your Help! | |||
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Back in October 3 of our members took a trip to Ireland to compete with another in the international quartet competition of the IABS (Irish Association Of Baberbershop Singers) convention. As the quartet 4-Tunes. Apparently they had fun and absolutely no Guinness was consumed!! | |||
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On 30th October, one of our members, performed in the BINH (Barbershop In Harmony) section of LABBS (Ladies Association of Barbershop Singers), as part of the quartet Happy Sundays. An incredible performance that saw the mixed quartet achieve an fantastic 4th position on their very first time on stage or indeed in front of an audience!! | |||
YouTube Video URL: | |||
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On Saturday 30th April, we performed on stage at Sing22 at Harrogate. We gave a great performance, and thoroughly enjoyed the convention. ![]() | |
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This new webiste for the VIPs has finally gone live!! Please have a look around, and familiarise yourself with it. There is lots of useful information on here. |